Friday, 24 February 2017

Keto Almond Pancakes

When on a ketogenic diet, especially for many Nigerians who are so used to eating high carb foods, what to eat is always a big problem. We end up eating more protein than fats and inadvertently starving. (This is a topic for another day). 

This blog was created to help people better understand what a ketogenic diet is - all about it, and also to share recipes that can be easily replicated by anyone, again with emphasis on Nigerians. Charity they say begins at home, right? 

I, like so many people love pancakes and most times we have to give it up for keto. You can't imagine my joy when I stumbled upon a recipe for keto pancakes, tried it and it actually worked out perfectly. I just couldn't wait to share it with you, so here it goes. I tweaked it a  bit though, (the ingredients in brackets).

Meanwhile, I've never been a ''pancakes and syrup'' chic. I just doesn't do it for me, it just has to be eaten with eggs.

1/2 cup of Almond flour
1/2 cup of flaxseed meal
1/2 cup of coconut milk
4 eggs
4 tbsp of coconut (or olive) oil
2 tbsp of butter
2 tbsp of erythritol
1 tbsp of coconut flour
1 tsp of baking powder
Spices: 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and nutmeg each (optional)
pinch of salt

In a mixing bowl, add almond flour, flaxseed meal, erythritol, salt and baking powder.
Mix well with all ingredients are well combined.
Break eggs into the mixed dry ingredients and mix well until well mixed.
Add coconut oil and coconut milk and mix well again.
Now add the coconut flour and spices and mix again.
In a pan over medium heat, add coconut or (olive) oil and/or butter and allow to melt.
Using a medium scoop spoon, add pancake batter to the pan.
When the top starts to bubble, flip pancake over and cook the other side.
When it's cooked, remove from pan.

Enjoy the best way you love to eat your pancakes...

Give it a try and don't follow to let us know how it turned out. 
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