Monday, 13 February 2017

Keto Radish French Toasts and Eggs

So, people have been churning out recipes upon recipes of ketogenic meals for Nigerians to try out for some time now. Problem is the ketogenic diet is a lifestyle that is still new to us in Nigeria and certain foods are alien to the typical Nigerian. The latest of such inventions was "fried radish in coconut oil. First, let me start by saying what we have readily available in Nigeria is the white radish that looks like parsnip.

So, I joined a ketogenic group on facebook a few weeks back, they are quite supportive and a lot of the members seek advice on what to eat, others share recipes, some watch, like, comment or bypass, as for the rest, I can say. It is in this group I first heard of "cucumber garri and cucumber rings". I didn't bother to try out the "cucumber garri", the story of the cucumber rings will follow shortly. Anyway, That is where I also saw "fried radish" described as yummylicious. I immediately went and got some from the market. Two days later, someone else had tried it and described it as disgusting, in her words, it tasted like raw cocoyam. She was furious with the inventor.

Since I already bought mine, I couldn't very well throw them away without giving it a shot. I set out with so determination to get it right and It came out well..... tolerable but i wont describe it as yummy. But the truth is this is absolutely not meant for the typical Nigerian palate. I will still give you the recipe incase you decide to try it out and of course to my non- Nigerian readers, who knows? It could tastes so great.

1 large-sized radish
1 Egg
3 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil or olive oil
Pinch of salt, pepper and thyme to taste

Cut up the radish into potato chip sizes
Place in a saucepan or cooking pot, over medium heat, add water to the cover the radish, add salt and cover the pot.
Allow radish to cook till soft.
In a small bowl, break in eggs, add salt, pepper and thyme, whisk all together.
When radish are soft, drain out water.
Melt butter or put oil in a saucepan.
Mix cooked radish and egg mixture together.
Fry the radish till golden brown.

Serve hot with eggs ( I liked them better hot than cold).

Stay tuned for more recipes, information on the ketogenic diet and my experiences on this journey. You will soon read about my experience with fried cucumber rings which i called " cucumber french toast".

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